Train infrastructures and metros facilitate mass transportation of users in many big cities. They are closed spaces with several levels- both the ground and underground. This implies special conditions in the evacuation of, and protection against, fires. The security of a great gathering of people is a critical factor to consider in any design. Any fire originated in the various risk areas, or extended from the tunnels or trains, can cause situations of panic for masses of people, which can hinder the evacuation process.

While propagation of the fire is avoided, the times of evacuation increases- i.e. thanks to the reduction of emanations improved atmospheric conditions.


It is indispensable to act quickly on the focus of the fire and to limit its growth. This can be achieved through the massive absorption of heat of the nebulized water, as well as by stopping the fire from getting bigger or more uncontrollable, thus reducing the heat liberation rate- i.e. until the arrival of manual means to contain it.